3 years ago
Admissions Advice

my school does not offer any AP or honor classes do colleges take this in perspective.

Senior student from Ethiopia.

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4 answers

3 years ago

I don't think colleges could fault you for your school not offering AP/honors classes. One option to improve your chances if you're worried about it would be self-studying for some AP tests and taking those to show your dedication.

3 years ago

Colleges evaluate each student from a different country separately from how they evaluate American Applicants or those from developed nations with excellent school systems. Here, we call that a holistic approach. The better the college and/or if it is a private institution, I personally feel more attention will be paid to how well you stack up to other potential applicants from Ethiopia your country, not America. If you are a top student in your city or state or country, they will take notices of this through the lens of comparing you to other Ethiopians.

There are 195 countries in the world and each country has its own educational system. As one of the poorest and largest African nations, where the literacy rate is less than 40%, I believe that you will be evaluated not against other applicants who have a lot of education support and options but only against those from your country.

I wouldn't worry about the lack of APs or honors. This is not a fault of yours whatsoever.

Please feel free to ask for any other information or advice with regards to your college application process.

Good luck.

3 years ago

yes, colleges compare how many ap classes you took to how many are offered at your school.

3 years ago

The colleges should not take no offers of ap classes in to account of denying you a spot. I am in the same place as you. My school offers 2 ap classes then calculus which hardly anyone gets in and I plan to go to an ivy league school. Or at least hoping to.

Best of luck

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