3 years ago
Admissions Advice

For a scholarship, I have to write an essay about how I would make the university more diverse.

I grew up in a middle class, suburban area and go to a private school. I am struggling to write an essay on this topic. Any advice on how to write a strong essay on this topic is much appreciated!!

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Personally, I think the biggest hindrance to diversity is cliques. Everyone gets into their own groups with like-minded people and don’t interact with people who are different from them. So something that connects people from different backgrounds and encourages them to get to know different people? Hope this helps!

3 years ago

Diversity doesnt just refer to skin color or ethnicity. Diversity is literally just differences. Consider different ideas that you are passionate about. Im writing one of my essays about diversity of thought and how being with different people introduced to new viewpoints that grew me as an individual.

3 years ago

When I wrote my diversity essay, I talked about how much I've learned from working with people of various backgrounds and how it has shaped me to be more open-minded. Maybe you could do that as well. I found it hard to write at first because I fit in the category you described, but I made it work.

3 years ago

I don't see why a university needs to be more diverse. I would just put that i will pick the top students who really impress me and if the Mexican then their Mexican. If their white then they are white. It should not depend on a person's skin color if they get into a school or not. I don't think this will help you or not but this is my opinion. Why should a white person be denied from the school of their dreams because the school is trying to be more diverse.

Best of luck trying to get the scholarship.

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