3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is collegevine up to date with the acceptance rate of getting into colleges?

I recently showed my dad the chances I have to get into different colleges. He said that competition has increased significantly and that collegevine may not be up to date with 2021 acceptance rates. Just want to confirm is it or is it not?

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
3 years ago[edited]

Your dad is absolutely correct. Competition has increased significantly and some top colleges are 50% harder to get into after 1 cycle. Expect more of same this admissions cycle as well. CollegeVine has heard from me as well as others to correct this. Some rates are actually 2 cycles old. I would think this would be a key priority update as well as ACT and SAT scores as the Common App is already open for the 2021-22 season. (if you are looking for a particular school let me know)

Amherst 8% vs 11.7% (2025 vs 2024) 46% harder

Barnard 10.4% vs 10.9% (4% harder)

Boston College 19% acceptance rate vs 23.5% (23% harder)

Boston University 18.3% vs 18.5% (about the same as last year)

Brown University 5.45% versus 6.88% (26% harder)

Bucknell 34% vs 37.5% (about 10% harder)

Colby College 8.1% vs 9.4% (16% harder)

Colgate 17.2% vs 27.5% (104% increase in applications wow!) about 60% harder

Colorado College 14.3% vs 13.6% (5% easier this cycle)

Columbia University 3.66% vs 6.2% (75% harder this cycle)

Cornell University 8.56% vs 10.71% (25% harder this cycle)

Dartmouth College 6.17% vs 8.8% (43% harder)

Duke University 5.8% versus 7.7% (33% harder this cycle)

Emory 13% vs 17% (30% harder)

Emory (Oxford) 21.3% vs 22.7% (6% harder)

Georgia Tech 17.9% vs 20.3% ( 34% harder)

Georgetown 11.7% vs 15.5% ( 32% harder)

Harvard University 3.43% versus 4.92% (43% harder)

Johns Hopkins 6.4% vs 8.8% ( 38% harder)

Macalester 31% vs 38.7% (21% harder)

Middlebury College 15.7% vs 24.3% ( 55% harder)

MIT 4.0% vs 7.3% ( 82% harder this cycle)

Notre Dame 14.6% vs 16.5% (13% harder)

NYU 12.8% vs 15.3% (19% harder)

Princeton University 3.98% vs 5.63% (41% harder)

Rice 9.3% vs 10% (7.5% harder this cycle)

Stanford 4.3% EST vs 5.19% (21% harder this cycle)

Swarthmore 7.8% vs 8.8% (12% harder)

Tufts 11% vs 16.3% (48% harder)

University of Pennsylvania 5.68% versus 8.07% (42% harder)

USC 12.4% vs 15.9% (28% harder to get into)

UVA 20.6% unchanged for 2025

Vanderbilt 6.7% vs 10.4% (55% harder to get into)

Villanova 25% vs 29% 9 (16% harder to get into)

Washington U. St.Louis 13% vs 12.8% 9(Slightly easier this cycle)

Wellesley 16% vs 19% 9 (29% harder to get into)

William & Mary 33% vs 42% (30% harder to get into)

Williams 8% vs 12.6% (57% harder to get into)

Yale University 4.62% versus 6.52% (41% harder)

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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