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4 years ago
Admissions Advice


I am a senior and I am finding it hard to come to terms with the fact that it is my last year of school. How are you all dealing with it? Do any of you feel any anxiety as well?

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4 years ago

I definitely relate to how you are feeling! My biggest piece of advice would be to find some support. Friends and family are always great people to talk to as well, but if you can afford it, I have found therapy to be very helpful. Some counselors even specialize in the difficult transition between college and high school! If therapy is not an option for you at this time, there are plenty of free online support groups and apps that you can use as well. My favorite free app to use is called Woebot, and it allows you to rethink your anxieties and frame them in a different light.


4 years ago

I also feel anxiety over this being my last year, but I've worked to accept it as is in order to focus on spending time with my family and friends. I know that there will always be greetings and goodbyes in life, so I'd like to create amazing experiences with the people I care about before I go. I also know that as I go throughout senior year, I'll continue to grow as a person. I'm excited for that, because I want to become more respectful of myself.

My focus is to have a good senior year and genuinely enjoy it as I didn't really enjoy junior year thanks to the pandemic. Like others have said, enjoying senior year and finding strong support is important for your mental health.


4 years ago[edited]

I'm just trying to have fun, despite the anxiety that I may have. I'll definitely be leaving my home for college (international student), but the advice I get from past seniors is to actually enjoy your senior year, since after college apps, its the most chill year of high school. You should have fun with friends and family, so in the future, you won't regret your last year.


4 years ago

I'm a tad resigned, but in a good way. I've made my mistakes, I've limited myself from some better colleges, but I am trying. Think about the good you have experienced in school and take this opportunity to experience more good things, and a last chance to try your best. Not do your best, not accomplish as much as humanly possible, not be as perfect as you can, but just try. As long as you try your best, things will work out. Maybe not perfectly. You might not get your dream school worst case scenario, but if you just try, you'll be able to salvage anything and live life to the fullest. That's how I'm dealing with the "last chance to prove myself" panic at least.


3 years ago

Well, I have anxiety, but I've been struggling with panic attacks since I was 10. And when I grow up and understood what is going on with me, I started taking pills I found out about online. This was wrong! so the first thing to do when you feel low is visit a therapist.

I was on sessions a few times, but it was hard for me to open up to a new person, and I decided to fight on my own.

I can see the progress, but it took me a while.

Now I now what can provoke anxiety and attracts, and try to avoid sich situations, people, things.

But, when I still face these problems, I know how to make myself better, and it also took me a while to find out.

It's very individual, so maybe, try to do things which you like, it can be reading, scrolling social media sites and so on. Also, I know that there are groups of support online.

Since November 2021 only stress can cause anxiety, and when I'm too nervous, I know that soon I'll feel it once again, so I'm always prepared.


4 years ago

Hi, I may not be in my last year but I have friends who are and they have been giving me tips for next year.

1. take time to just breath, step back and relax as much as possible

2. do not let senioritis control you, push through the last year

3. talk to your friends as much as possible and try to plan days that you just hang out

4. tell yourself the exact opposite of whatever your anxiety riddled mind is saying, such as, "I will get into blah blah college, because I'm awesome!" rather than "Oh my god that Interview was awful, they hate me I failed!" or whatever else you are worrying about.

5. smile and laugh, even if it's forced your brain will release dopamine

you got this man, it is going to be a good year


2 years ago

I know the feeling! I too have constant stress from studying, and I'm tired of fighting it. Besides, I also don't sleep well, because I study a lot at night. It's a terrible feeling.

2 years ago[edited]

In my college days, I too often suffered from multiple stresses and insomnia, but [url=]this company[/url] offers many solutions to the problem. You can look at the assortment on their website and you will be pleasantly surprised by the prices and the variety of legal edibles.


4 years ago

I would say that yeah anxiety is actually a very common problem, sometimes stays unspoken but is still there. It is very important to monitor your psychological and physical health. When studying or working, it is very important to stay calm and keep your mental health in good shape. The OPC Vital complex helps me with this which contributes to normal psychological function, contributes to the normal functioning of blood vessels and much more. This allows me to respond positively to stressful situations while learning. Anxiety may also lead to other health problems or habits that may worsen health. For example, people with anxiety may suffer from insomnia, chronic pain or digestive problems. Smoking and vaping is also a problem for people with anxiety, and both of these habits lead to health problems.

2 years ago[edited]

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