I thought that the interview went well, but I am afraid it will reflect badly on me if I send a thank you email now.
Hi @emfix22! Great question - in any case, it's good to send your interviewer a thank you note even if it is a bit late. You can make it a conversational message (though it should still be appropriately formal) and give insight as to what you've been up to the last couple of weeks (busy with family, etc.) and that you'd love to keep in touch going forward. Be sure to work some things you discussed naturally into the message as well.
Chances are, your interviewer has already submitted your scoring, so it shouldn't negatively affect your chances to send the response now. But, you should still send a thank you - better late than never!
You should go ahead and send your interviewer a thank-you note. During the summer many families go on vacation during August so it's not odd to take a couple of weeks to get back to them. It would be worse not to thank them.
Good luck.
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