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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Which ec should I pick?

Right now I have too many extracurriculars and try to come up with a list which I should include in CommonApp. And I need to choose which activity should I list: XIII National LGBT Conference (it's free and has selection route but I didn't accomplish a lot in it) or taking 3rd place in art competition on regional level (i really love visual arts and practice my drawing skills for 7 years). Btw my intended major is astronomy/astrophysics.


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

Hi Cody! I think that you should pick based on what you want college to see in you as a person. Do you want to show them your dedication to and talent in art or do you want to show them that you are supportive of an equal world of free expression? Also, which one can you relate to more or talk about more? Like if I told you to write an essay about one of them right now, which one of these activities would you have a lot to write about? Lastly, choose the one that relates most to your personal statement, essays, and other extracurriculars.

If you really don't know, I would suggest the art competition because it is stronger.

4 years ago

Hi Cody, I would choose at least one extracurricular somewhat related to what you want to major but for the rest choose whatever you enjoy most and could make to most impact. Colleges want to see what you have accomplished with your EC's not just which ones you take. So just being a member of an Astrophysics club would be weighted worse than being the founder and president of the school's art club. Just do what you enjoy but try and tie something into your major.

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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