The overall main themes of my application are helping others and teaching. All of my ECs go back to at least one of those two.
Between my activities, I have five that are almost the same: Volunteer Teaching Assistant. At my school, every teacher selects one or two students per class every year to be their TA. We basically help the teachers with everything they need; and assist our peers during and after class (both tutoring them, answering questions, and helping with homework). In 10th grade, I assisted my Portuguese and English teachers; in 11th, there were no TAs due to COVID; now, in 12th, I'm assisting my Spanish, Bio, and Math teachers.
Since being a TA for all of them is the same activity but varying subjects, can I/should I group them to list other ECs that I have and wouldn't fit otherwise?
PS.: I'm an International Student from Brazil. My school year goes from Jan-Dec.
I think you should write all of your TA's in one extracurricular and in description box explain when and which teacher you assisted. Hope this helps:)
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