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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is this platform safe?

I wonder if there are any safety measurements on plagiarizing. When I tried to review a peer's essay, the webpage did nothing to prevent me from copy&pasting. I didn't paste any of the content outside this website, but I'm not sure if there's anyone who might. I want to know how are essays protected here. People can simply copy everything you wrote!

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4 answers

3 years ago

Unless something has changed, if you try to copy and paste outside of the site, when you try to paste it will say something along the lines of "please don't copy from other students essays." Although if I wanted to, I could probably copy the entirety of your essay (using a variety of means), I would not and I don't think most people would want to either. One, I am not that confident in your writing skills (if there's a grammar mistake, I would rather it be entirely my fault!) :D Two, I would not want to get caught cheating, especially not on a college application. Three, everyone has a fairly unique writing voice and would not want the college application people judging me based on someone else's writing voice. I think most students would feel the exact same way on each of my points; if they don't, they probably should not attend college.

3 years ago

Yea I agree with @Texas_Student. Technically, the platform is not 100% safe but even if you share with your friends at school, it's not going to be 100% safe. I guess the bigger issue would be the people grading your essay but since most things posted online can be traceable, they might have little incentive to copy. In addition, personal statements are, like the name suggests, personal so your personal statement might not fit in with the application of your essay reviewers. So far, I don't think there have been cases of cheating but if there ever was, you can still show that you were the original author through this website.

3 years ago[edited]

For 99% of the users of C.V., the benefits outweigh the few that are trying to pad their resume and application by stealing from others. I've never heard of anyone doing this and getting away with it here on C.V. but I'm certain that sneaky users have either done screen recordings or taken screenshots of college essays. I did know about someone smart who caught their thief after she read her essay on youtube but that person apologized online and was called out. So I'm sure he is not going to use it. When you compare the risks, it's far riskier to be a cheater and imposter than if someone under-qualified tries to damage compete at one of the 2300 4 year colleges with a similar essay.

Personally, I feel very sad for these fools because college admissions officers are experts at comparing essays to the rest of applicants' files. If the essay reads as some Valedictorian wrote it and the rest of the application including descriptions of the ECs, the supplemental essays don't match, I'm pretty sure that the application gets flagged and they get rejected on the spot. If they happen to sneak through the first reader, then it might get rejected in committee as well. Even if they get caught after they get admitted, they can get their admission rescinded if it's found out that certain essays have been plagiarized and circulating among the school or multiple schools.

If you really feel worried, then you shouldn't use the essay service and pay someone who is qualified to give you a professional review.

Good Luck.

3 years ago

So trust your instincts, do not copy

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