Hello, I am in 10th grade right now and I am interested in entering Mechanical Engineering. I am a little stumbled on what I need to do to excel in the field and get a better understanding of what the field is. What should I be doing to get a better understanding of the field?.
I'm also interested in Mechanical Engineering and so far I've participated in clubs like Robotics and Technical Theatre. I would recommend checking out the AEOP High School Apprenticeship application to complete engineering research at local universities and NASA High School Aerospace Scholars Program if your a Texas resident. Finally, checkout any summer programs offered at local colleges by going through their website or even asking one of your teachers.
Hope this helps!
Join extracurricular activities around your school! Robotics, engineering classes, STEM classes, etc. Find programs that help as well. See if you can shadow an engineer!
Maybe research or watch videos on what this field is. You could also try to find an internship online to see if you truly like this field. Join an engineering club like robotics (if your school has it), or take up a personal project. Arduino website can help with making personal projects
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