4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Do grades in middle school count for you collage application?

I'm in 8th grade and I feel as if my grades aren't good enough. And in 6th and 7th grade my grades were barley passing. If grades in middle school count for you collage application are mine good?

Here are mine from eighth grade so far:

Quarter 1- Can't find

Quarter 2- 2.992

Quarter 3- 3.525


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10 answers

4 years ago

Nope, only things you do in high school. It looks like you're improving, so just keep working and moving forward—a lot of people struggle in middle school and even early in high school but get better in their sophomore and junior years, and colleges will care most about what's most recent.

4 years ago

No, colleges will not look at your grades from middle school. Colleges focus on your grades from high school, which will be shown on your high school transcript. I hope this answers your question!

4 years ago

Your counselors probably know more, but generally middle school grades don't impact your college application. The only exception would be if you took a class for high school credit (which you'd know beforehand whether it was a high school credit or not). In that case, yes, the grade you make shows up on your transcript. However, for where I live at least, even those grades don't factor into high school GPA calculations at all and only stand as high school credit. Ask the counselors if it's the same where you go to school but it shouldn't be a problem.

4 years ago

If you take high school classes in middle school colleges will see that, but colleges do not look at middle school grades.

4 years ago

The only middle school accomplishment I've been told to include is the Duke TIP program.

4 years ago

Your middle school grades do not matter. The GPAs you have listed seem good, but most top-tier schools will want you to have a 4.0. It looks as if you are improving, and with some more effort and determination, you should see your GPA rise to your expectations.

3 years ago

No, grades in middle school do not count for your college application. Keep working hard though! Your work ethic will continue into high school, so remember to develop good habits and keep them. It will be difficult, but stay consistent and keep practicing and focusing on your weaknesses and strengths alike.

4 years ago

Colleges don't look at middle school grades. However, your middle school grades are a good indication of how well you will do in high school. Therefore, if you feel like your grades aren't good in middle school you could try and study more of the subjects you struggle in with resources like Khan Academy or you could try and see what you are doing wrong, such as maybe changing your study habits.

4 years ago

Nope they don't. Colleges only look at highschool grades

4 years ago

colleges do NOT see your middle school grades; all they see is your GPA at the beginning of Senior year / 12th grade and your transcript, which has your final grade (usually letter, like A/B/C) for every class you take in high school. For high school classes taken in middle school the policy varies; in my school even though I took Algebra 1 in 7th grade it wasn’t counted cause my school only looks at highs school classes from 8th grade and forward. Ask your guidance counselor what their policy on this is.

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