3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is it okay to have my main personal essay about my experiences of racial discrimination?

I am afraid that is a very common essay topic that might make colleges bored. Should I still write about it? Also any extra advise on what to add to the essay to make it stand out more?

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@PBJPancakes3 years ago

I honestly believe that if it is a topic you are truly passionate about, go for it! Maybe add a personal example if you have one.

@LaurenTurnbull3 years ago

Well, this topic is very relevant, so most people want and can write about it. I think this is not a problem if schools allow you to constantly write the same topics. The same trend is observed in other areas. So in the film industry there is a similar trend and it can be read here in this article https://scaredstiffreviews.com/trends-against-racism-in-the-cinema-for-good-or-for-harm/. I think everyone wondered about this. Here are just some good thoughts on this topic.

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3 answers

3 years ago

The more personal your essay is, the more it will stand out usually. These admissions officers read plenty of essays every admissions season, so don't focus solely on trying to make it something that they've never seen before. Try and make it memorable. I find that the more personal you make it and the more soul-searching you put in the essay, the more likely people are to remember it.

If you want to write about racial discrimination make sure not to start and end from a negative perspective. You want to start off on a positive note and end on a negative note. Try and include humor whenever possible. You want to show who you are. If you just show that you are a victim, it'll be very similar to other essays that they've seen.

3 years ago

Writing about racism is perfectly fine. It's a good topic. It can be a great essay depending on what you are going to do about it. Most people share their personal experiences about being marginalized or looked down upon and their own pain and suffering. That's a common theme.

A great essay would be to recognize that racism still exists in eons at all colleges unless you are Black person going to a Historically Black college. Being a change agent and trying to shift the conversation about how racism has motivated you to help and empower other marginalized folk is more interesting than talking about your own pain. Why? Because you don't want the college admissions officer to feel sorry for you or pity you. That puts them in a difficult spot and if they are a BIPOC person, maybe they'll hesitate advocating for you if you haven't come away from systemic racism as a strong better version of yourself. Colleges themselves are plagued with hundreds of years of problematic issues from who gets tenure, to how their endowment is spent and which department gets funded to how their own campus deals with racism, misogyny, bigotry, sexism, ageism, etc.

So put your essay through the CollegeVine Essay review.

Good luck

3 years ago

if that's the topic you want to do, do it.

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