3 years ago
Admissions Advice

I guess extracurriculars and self-doubt always come together

Again I have a question about extracurriculars(I swear this is the last one). I'm international student and my school doesn't offer any clubs or athletics at all (only student council in which I've participated each year of my high school) and, additionally, I live in rural area and there aren't a lot of activities to do. That's why almost every extracurricular I have aren't related to my school, are virtual and pretty recent (a lot of programs are 16+ that's why I couldn't join earlier). But on the other hand, all of them except IMUN internship are quite prestigious in my country (national level, selective and free). I really try to do my best with very little opportunities and I hope it's enough. Recently I've been questioning my activities, it's the reason I'm asking for objective opinion from the outside. Thank you in advance:)


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2 answers

3 years ago

You can start doing things. Maybe start writing,conduct a research you're interested in,learn how to do play an instrument or just do something that interests you. I really think that extracurricular doesn't necessarily have to be in school.

3 years ago

Hmm, that's odd that your school has no sports or activities to get involved in. If you're into sports I would try to join a team outside of school like at a country club or something. I think student council is a good thing to have on your application. I would also volunteer a lot and get a job while you still can in high school.

Also there should be a space on Common App where you can explain to colleges why you don't have many extracurriculars.

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