3 years ago
Admissions Advice

for colleges that only require one teacher lor, is it necessary for it to be from a STEM teacher?

for context, i'm applying as a bio major. i'm planning on asking my APUSH teacher for one letter and one of my teachers in a STEM subject for the other (not sure what teacher yet). i'm considering my ap bio teacher, but knowing the way those two teachers are i have a feeling the APUSH one is gonna be better. so basically, as someone applying into a STEM major, would it be a bad thing for my one recommendation to be from a humanities teacher?

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Hello! I would definitely choose your APUSH teacher. That saying goes for people who need two letters of rec and don't know who to ask. Basically, letters of rec are supposed to show which teacher have you built a great relationship with and shown them your unique abilities and etc. So if you think the letter would be better if your APUSH teacher wrote it then choose them.

I am a STEM major too (Astrophysics) and I had the choice between Physics and APUSH and I chose APUSH.

3 years ago

I’m also applying as a biology major and I got my one recommendation from my APUSH teacher as well. I think if that is the teacher you want a rec from or who knows you better then I think it’s better to ask the APUSH teacher

3 years ago

I don't really think it's a bad thing because it shows that you are well rounded and schools like to see that. The teacher will be able to confirm your good character but also show that while you gear towards STEM, you excel in other parts of your academic life.

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