3 years ago
Admissions Advice

i want to know how much will ntse and kvpy affect my application ? ?

approx 1 million students give ntse each year and I was ranked 52 (only 1000 students get selected from India andi was among them ).

it is conducted by govt of India

and I was ranked 86 on my kvpy test which is taken by 50000 students each year.

both are very prestigious exams in our country

so how much will these affect my application ??

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5 answers

3 years ago

First of all, congratulations for both of the achievements. I agree with the fact that it will give a boost to your application making your profile more stronger in terms of academic tests. But, I would also suggest that you do participate in some online courses, more prestigious and affordable summer programs and also some strong extracurriculars (like opening up a Maths Club or some other kind of club) at your school. It will definitely increase your chances of getting into a good college obviously with a descent GPA (minimum of 3.4-3.9/4.0 scale). This will make you not only academically able but also improve your potential of doing extra things along with your academics. I hope this helps!

3 years ago

First up congratulations on your amazing achievements. I know that both the exams are not easy so getting such a good rank is a really tough task. While mentioning your EC'S you can mention these two exams and your rank. Having a great rank in both NTSE and KVPY increases your chances of getting into a top uni since uni's don't only look at your academics but also your EC'S. So these two exams make for some great credentials in your application.

3 years ago

Hi, thank you for asking your question! Firstly, congratulations on your scores.I would echo 100% of the information that @CameronBameron has shared with us. Specifically, that US schools will much rather prefer SAT/ACT standardized test scores for international applicants. More specifically, the most common test for successful international applicants to submit is the SAT, which is more valued by admissions officers at highly selective schools. Since you are an international student, I would recommend taking this test in addition to the tests that you have already scored highly on.

Additionally, test scores are not the only component of your application -- and most certainly will not guarantee admissions to any US school alone. The standardized test scores (in addition to your course rigor and overall GPA) make up about 25-30% of your application weight, leaving room for your essays, letter of recommendations and activities sections to make a huge impact on the admissions reader. So I would start prioritizing these components in your application as well, apart from the superb scores you have.

3 years ago

Congrats on your testing achievements in India. That is very impressive and I'm sure you already know that you have a great opportunity to get into a good college in India.

I've been reading a lot of posts from Int'l students and one thing I'm very certain about is that many Int'l students do not fully understand that higher education in America is a business, just like Professional Sports, Wall Street, or Hi-tech Manufacturing. Let's say there are 4000 colleges, about 1650 are public, 1650 are private non-profit and 700 are for profit. And to break it down to the most coveted and competitive ones, about 90% are going to private (Ivys, Duke, UChicago,Stanford, JHU) versus public (UCBerkeley, UCLA, UVA, UMich, UT Austin).

The rude awakening to both Americans and Int'l students is that the selection process is not always egalitarian, not a meritocracy, and flawed just like our electoral college voting system.

The best college in America is in servitude to many Gods. What I mean by this is that they all have a goal to meet the expectations of their Board of Directors who prioritize what the future vision of the college is in terms of endowment growth, status growth, college rankings, campus growth (facilities and buildings), diversity, equity and inclusion policies, and other factors. So while they are all blessed with billions of dollars of endowments and assets, they only use a fraction of that for financial aid each year on low-income marginalized applicants that will add to their overall objectives. So the best colleges like Ivys have to admit a certain number of legacies (sons/daughters of alumni), recruited athletes (to keep their sports rankings up in the Ivy League), development candidates (rich families who donate 10s of millions of dollars to fund chairs, buildings, programs), sons and daughters of employees, loose quotas of applicants coming from the Top 20 US boarding schools that have been in business for 100-250 years, and VIP applicants like famous actors, activists and public figures. What's left are just all the deserving smart kids in America and Int'l applicants. So when you think of top American colleges these days, the reason the admit rates are 5% or less, it's because there are a fixed number of seats and no one wants to build more dormitories. It's like Hermes or LV saying we are going to make 1500 of this style of handbag and that's it for the season. Who gets one of them is not based on a fair formula.

Therefore, forgive me if you already know this but I felt perhaps someone reading this post should know this.

I think you might be a very brilliant person in India but to succeed in the US college admissions process, you have to closely adhere to the criteria that are important to T20 college admissions officers. Regardless of your incredible scores, the applicant who has a 99% percentile score on an ACT or SAT or AP or IB exam will give more consideration just because that is the way US A.O.s compare candidates on an

"apples to apples" basis. When they evaluate you against your peers from India, they will be comparing and contrasting you against the other your peers in the Indian pool. If someone has better English Proficiency, better ECs, better essays, better recommendations, better grades, more course rigor, more evidence of intellectual vitality, they will give more consideration to them. I think your high scores on Indian tests really don't matter very much unless you are already the best in all categories of applications criteria already. If that's the case, then they will look at it as some high honor or something like that.

Also, keep in mind that there is no merit full-ride scholarships to top US colleges but all scholarship is financial need-based so be careful where you apply and don't put a lot of effort into applying to colleges that historically don't give Int'l students much financial aid, (if that is what you need to attend a US college). If you come from a wealthy family that can pay full tuition, room, and board, that will make your acceptance chances go up.

Good Luck.

3 years ago

Considering both are extremely prestigious, I would say the chances of you getting in are greatly increased! Just make sure to bring proof and put it in your application. Best of luck!

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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