3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Advice on studing/schoolwork?

My first semester of high school (last year), I did really poor. My second semester was good, but I'm worried that I'm going to fall back into my old habits. Does anyone have tips on how to stay motivated and on track? Thanks :)


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Well for me it was setting a timer of 1-2 hours of reviewing information over and then moving on just so that you have it within the back of your mind.

Even though its ridiculed finding a study group does help it builds teamwork along with making so that you guys study.

Also focus on the goal and task at hand even if you have to have it sent to you at odd times a day so you're aware of what you need to do

3 years ago

Looks like you have some really great responses from other users, but I just wanted to chime in and reiterate that many students have trouble with staying motivated when doing school work so you are not alone in this! I'd suggest trying out a few things like the suggestions outlined in the other responses and seeing what works best for you! It might also help to make a schedule or a routine and getting a planner to help keep you on track and accountable!

3 years ago

Hi there @shelby0723,

We have a bunch of blog articles on this topic that can better help you navigate the academic portion of your high school experience! I'd recommend checking these out as a starting point:



3 years ago

1. Reward yourself. You can do this before, during, and after doing homework assignments. For example, I like to dress up before starting to write an essay. While I work on homework assignments, I like listening to upbeat music to make the experience more enjoyable. Also, I find it way easier to do homework when I use gel pens to write with because they are fun, colorful, and make me happy. Afterwards, if I finish before a 11:00, I play piano for fun (as opposed to practicing for a recital), work on writing my stories, play games with my sisters, or even go to bed early!

2. Use a planner. Find a planner you like. It's easier for me to want to use a planner if it is pretty and I have my collection of gel pens handy. Seriously, gel pens make everything better!

3. Realize you aren't alone in your struggles to stay on top of your responsibilities. I know it can be lonely and disheartening to feel like you are the only one getting behind.

4. Get help when you need it. It can be hard to go to tutorials or ask friends for help on difficult homework, but it is definitely worth it, AND it'll let your friends know it is okay for THEM to ask questions too. If you have older siblings that took the classes you are in, ask them for help. I know my sisters are godsends when it comes to figuring out how to do complicated homework.

5. When you get really stressed or frustrated, do something you find calming or that makes you happy. Personally, my best coping strategies mainly comprise of chocolate and country music.

Good luck!!!

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