3 years ago
Admissions Advice

If you don't get into your dream college, consider re-applying as a transfer.

Remember that whether you get accepted is not a reflection of your worth or your talents and abilities but an accounting issue since colleges are a business. Sometimes they only have room for 1 chess champion or 1 bassoonist or 1 crew coxswain so timing is everything.

I spent about 30 minutes looking at various common data sets for Top Schools and was surprised that many of them are 2 to 3 times easier to get into as a transfer student. Let me just say some are worse and I'll get those out of the way. Harvard 1.23%, Princeton 1.66%, Yale 1.67%, Brown 3.53%, Stanford 3.88%, MIT 3.13%. Some are about the same. Duke 6%, Columbia 5%, Caltech 5%, UPenn 7%. But surprisingly many are super favorable.

Dartmouth -28% about 4 times easier

Cornell - 18%about 2 times easier

UCLA - 24% about 2.5 easier

USC - 27% about 2.5 easier

Vanderbilt - 35% about 5 times easier

WashU - 26% about 2 times easier

UVA - 40% about 2 times easier

University of Michigan 46% about 2 times easier

UC Santa Barbara - 51% about 2 times easier

UC San Diego - 56% about 2 times easier

UC Berkeley - 20.6% not quite 2 times easier

University of Notre Dame - 43% about 3 times easier

Boston University 54% about 3 times easier

Tufts - 28% about 2 times easier

NorthWestern - 15.5% about 2 times easier

Emory - 32% about 2 times easier

NYU - 41% about 4 times easier

Some schools like JHU, UChicago, Columbia, etc do not publish this data so you have to talk to their admissions office to get some idea. Some schools like CMU, Georgetown, Williams, Colby, etc have worse rates but I didn't include them here.

What I simply want to point out is that if the College Gates close on you the first time, knock again the next year or the year after and they will be more accomodating in many cases. For some of you, this will make sense and that's why I'm posting this.

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3 years ago[edited]

Thank you for sharing these stats. Many of my HS friends are trying to take Junior college classes that meet the transfer requirement while in high school as a backup option in case they don't get into their dream school directly out of HS. How do think universities view this extra course load in a High School applicant? I've heard some universities look negative upon it because that would mean the student will take fewer classes at the university to graduate which means less $ the student gives to the university. Would love to hear your thoughts? Is the benefit of taking those extra transferable college classes throughout HS (along with AP's and honors classes) be worthwhile doing as a backup plan?

🎤3 years ago

To Top colleges like Ivys, Elites, the only certain path to graduating early is to get 5s on your AP exams, not transferable college credits. As you move down the food chain, dual enrollment transferable credits will apply more. For example if you take your DE classes at Santa Monica CC, in LA and apply to a UCLA, then they will take those credits but Dartmouth is not going to take those CC college credits in general.

🎤3 years ago

The whole notion of getting an AA degree concurrently with your HS diploma is useful only to HS students who remain in their state and apply to those specific colleges that will recognize those AA diplomas. If you truly do intend to matriculate into Ivy or Elite colleges, you are competing with super highly qualified applicants that have attended Private Boarding or Day Schools like Harvard-Westlake or Exeter or Lawrenceville who have course rigor 1-2 levels higher than even AP classes.

🎤3 years ago[edited]

If you want your mind to explode just look at the course catalog from one these schools. There is nothing even marginally close available in Public schools. This is why they place 10-20 times more admits at Top schools. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjoj8SBifXyAhWHGDQIHWCQDQQQFnoECAgQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fissuu.com%2Fphillipsacademy%2Fdocs%2Fcos2021-2022%3Fe%3D0&usg=AOvVaw0-Lt6oeXEzitVlWmPQAGAI


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