3 years ago
Admissions Advice

College Experience essays

How do you tackle prompts that ask what you are looking forward to doing at college, without sounding too cliche? i see 'Starting clubs or joining clubs' in most examples. i understand that if it is a specific college, you can write details about research/programs that are there, but if it is a general question regarding experience at college, what do you say? What do you want to gain from college and what do you bring to it?

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3 years ago

Hi! I had to write 3 of those and I talked about why I liked the school and what inspired me to apply, talking to admissions counselors can help as well, when talking about joining or starting clubs tie them back to things you have done in the past. For example, if you were in black student union at your high school maybe you should talk about how you want to join black student union in college. When talking about what you bring what's special about you, are you a first-gen? legacy? know people who went there? When talking about what you want to gain talk about academic goals and you don't always have to tie them back to your major maybe you have a personal academic goal. I hope this helps!

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