To my cohorts that care about rankings, these came out today. I added the Admit rates from last cycle that I know of.
1. Princeton 3.98%
2. Columbia, Harvard, MIT (TIE) 3.66%, 3.43%, 4.01%
5. Yale 4.62%
6. Stanford, UChicago (TIE) 4.3%, 6%
8. UPenn, 5.68%
9. CalTech, JHU, Northwestern, Duke (TIE) 5.45%, 6.39%, 6.8%, 5.76%
13. Dartmouth 6.17%
14. Brown, Vanderbilt, WashU (TIE) 5.45%, 6.70%, 13.04%
17. Rice, Cornell (TIE) 9.31%, 8.68%
19. Notre Dame 14.6%
20. UCLA 10.8%
21. Emory 13%
22. UC Berkeley 14.5%
23. Georgetown, U Michigan (TIE) 11.67%, 18.2%
25. Carnegie Mellon, UVA, (TIE)15%, 20.6%
28. WakeForest 32.1%, UNC 25%, NYU 12.8%, U Florida 29%, UCSB 29.2%, Tufts 11% (TIE)
34. U Rochester, UCSD 34.3% (TIE)
36. Boston College 18.9%, UC I 29%, (TIE)
38. William & Mary 33%, UC Davis 49%, UT Austin, GTech 33% (TIE)
42. Tulane, 9.73% Brandeis 39%, Case Western 27.4%, Boston U 18.3%, U Wisconsin - Madison (TIE)
47. U of Illinois Urbana
48. U of Georgia
49. Lehigh, Northeastern, Villanova, Ohio State, Purdue
55. Florida State, Santa Clara, RPI, U of Miami
59. U of Washington, Syracuse, U Maryland, U of Pittsburgh, Syracuse, GWU
Notable positive changes - Columbia +1, MIT +2 , Duke +3, Wash U +2, Cornell +1,UMich +1,CMU +1, UVA +1,Tufts +2,NYU +2, UCSB +2,UFlorida +2, UCSD +1, WillMary +1, UCDavis +1, UTAustin +4
Notable negative changes - UMiami -6, UGeorgia -1, Tulane -1, UC I -1, GTech -3, Boston College -1, USC -3, Rice -1, Yale -1
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