3 years ago
Admissions Advice

How can I make this common app essay prompt personal?

The prompt is: Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

I know making the essay personal is important, but I have no idea how to do that with a prompt like this.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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5 answers

3 years ago


Writing a personal essay often takes a lot of thought and many drafts. I always suggest writing down things that immediately come to mind and then asking friends and family who know you well what they would have answered for you. That should get you started.

To make it personal talk about how this activity has made you the person you are today. How has it shaped what you want for your future and how has it helped you develop useful skills. By talking about what you have gained from the activity it will make it more personal.

Hope that helps.

a year ago

Go into your visibility settings and turn off public fall guys and your essay will be visible only to you personally. tetris unblocked

3 years ago

Writing about a topic that has impacted you personally in some aspect!

3 years ago

To make this prompt personal you have to focus on a topic that you love. Don't try to write about a topic that colleges might find exciting or good, but try writing one that is about you. Also, try to make this topic unique to you because colleges are looking for essays that are different than other students. Try using a tense that connects you to your essay, and try to integrate a story or experience into your essay to make your essay more interesting.

3 years ago

To make it sound personal, you really just have to talk about what you love most without thinking about the prompt. Sometimes your writing can sound strained, but if you really like medical science then just talk about your passion for med sci. Honestly the best thing to do is just start writing. If you have further questions or need me to expound just comment below. Good luck, hope this helps!

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