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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Do you submit your SAT score?

Given many schools are not requiring SAT scores, should one submit an SAT score if it's a high score - meaning above 90th percentile+ (example 1350+) but it falls below the university's median score? Top schools such as Harvard, Stanford, Princeton have median scores - above 1450. I've been told I should exclude the score if it's not above a 1500.

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Try to retake the test if you can. If you get a higher score, submit that. However, if it is above the 90th percentile, it is still an exception score. Keep in mind test scores aren't all of your application, they are 10-15% of it at most. If the rest of your application is strong, then an average score shouldn't hurt you. Also, remember that there have been people accepted into Ivies with lower scores, so it really isn't everything. Good luck!

3 years ago

This was a comment from a highly competitive university admin officer..."if your SAT/ACT scores are below the average, do not send them as once we see them, we cannot un-see them."

3 years ago[edited]

For schools like Harvard, if your score is well below the median score then you need to retake the test. However, if it is roughly the same or only slightly lower then you could submit it. However, unless you are actively applying at the end of your senior year, retake the test no matter what score you have. You can always get a better score. So I'd say just retake the test if you can, and submit your score if you can't. Good luck, hope this helps!

3 years ago

well this depends on the universities you are planning to apply to ivy league universities then I would advise you to reatke the test and try to get a score above 1470 however if it was for safety universities or one that have a high acceptance rates than go ahead and send your sat along I hope my answer has brought you some help

What are your chances of acceptance?
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Duke University
+ add school
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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