3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Letters of Recommendation

When is the best time to ask teachers for LOR?


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7 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago[edited]

If you are applying ED/EA, you want to ask right away this week and by Monday 10/4 the latest, that will give them 3-4 weeks to prepare it.

For RD, ask before you leave on Thanksgiving Break.

Good Luck.

3 years ago

I would say the very beginning of senior year. If you are applying through common app make sure you wait until you have an account on there because they have a specific way of getting the LOC's. You type in the teacher's email and then it will send them a link/email to do it.

3 years ago

I would say the best time would be end of junior year right before summer so they have time. However, if you weren’t close with any of your junior year teachers, ask them after the first few weeks of senior year so they get some time to know you first.

3 years ago

If you are asking in general, the best time to ask teachers is the end of your junior year. Typically, you will be applying for schools in the beginning/middle (at the very latest) of your senior year (most colleges have a Regular Decision deadline in January and Early Action some time in November), so your senior year teachers won't be good candidates for letters of rec as they don't know you as well. Additionally, asking at the end of junior year gives your teachers more notice and time to prepare.

(I am not certain how it is in your school, but in mine, teachers have a limit on the number of letters they can write. Therefore a big majority of students will ask in June to make sure their "first choice" teacher isn't full.)

If you're asking as a senior for this year's college apps, then as someone else mentioned, ask immediately and have a backup plan (or two). Asking any later will mean that they won't have enough time, and remember that they're not just writing your letter, but probably AT LEAST 10 others as well.

3 years ago

After you have given them a gift or did a really good score. Make sure they are in a good mood. Also say"do not stress about it, i still have a week, and thank you so much again for this, it means alot, this is my dream school,"

3 years ago


You should start asking for recommendations as soon as your Junior Year ends. Reach out to your guidance counselor and favorite teachers over the summer to get a head start on the process. DO NOT wait until the end of your senior to get a recommendation. Most colleges and universities have application due dates of November, December and January. So make sure you get ahead of the hoard and get your recommendation request in early and can submit them well ahead of the deadline.

3 years ago[edited]

Before you start your admissions process! You should ask them for the LOR sometime near the end of your senior year so that they will have time to write it. Good luck, hope this helps.

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