3 years ago
Admissions Advice

What would you do in my position???

I'm a senior in Arizona, and I'm graduating in February; as soon as I graduate, I will start my real estate classes; that's the only thing that's certain in my life right now.

I've already been accepted to a private college here called Grand Canyon University. I'm thinking of doing one year there and then transfer to Cal State Long Beach, Cal State Fullerton, University of South Florida, Florida Atlantic, or any other university in southern California or Florida that's at most 30 minutes away from the beach. (I was born and lived eight years in San Diego, so the beach is pretty important, lol)

My intended major is Music, and my life goal is to become a famous and successful singer/songwriter. Also, a successful fix and flipper/investor. Right now, all I can think of is becoming independent, traveling, partying (to a certain extent), and stuff that I'm sure 90% of soon-to-be adults think of, but I know that with college, it's not going to be easy.

I know that I don't need college AT ALL to accomplish any of my goals, but I kind of want it as an excuse to say, "I don't want to be here anymore, and I want to experience new things." Money is not a problem, but I still don't want to throw it in the trash by paying for college, especially if I'm going to regret it.

So what would you do in my position? Just put yourself in my shoes, and let's suppose that accomplishing my goals is a given and that I'm the most talented singer/songwriter ever. (Definitely not true but just SUPPOSE) Consider that even though I wouldn't say I like AZ, it is where I have lived for almost ten years and where my friends and family (brothers, sisters, mom, & stepdad) are. I know I have to risk it to succeed, but should I stay for at least another year as I have planned, or what would you do? Comments help

Just leave to a college in CA or FL
Stay for a year while doing college
Forget college and follow your dream
Stay in AZ forever
Poll closed39 votes
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3 years ago

For starters, a very small percentage of singers actually become famous. Additionally, the median entry-level salary will be low and intermittent. Most singers/songwriters will receive very little traffic and streams on their songs. Am I saying that you should forget your dreams? Absolutely not. But bear in mind that becoming a singer/songwriter requires musical talent (which I am sure you have) and creative talent if you are writing your own score and lyrics. Many of the songs written today are merely a repeating drum track and C major chords on a guitar. You have to be able to gain streams through all of the other songs that listeners will think are just like yours. The point of this is not to dissuade you, but merely to inform you of the possible rough spots that could come on your journey. In answer to your question, no college degree is required. Many famous singers did not get a degree and experienced success. However, if you have musical talent, you could consider getting a degree in music and pursuing some type of musical career. (Singer or otherwise.) My advice is if you are positively, absolutely, sure you can and want to succeed in songwriting, then it's up to you if you want a degree. If you are not sure about your chances of success, then attend college. Good luck, hope this helps.

3 years ago

Good advice, @Jbean06!

3 years ago


🎤3 years ago

Thanks for the info! I am WELLLLL aware of the difficulty and percentages and all this you mentioned. I'm actually a very realistic person, which is why I'm starting real estate school, and I already have money saved up to do my first fix and flip when I turn 18. I'm not pursuing music for the money; it's just a goal and dream I've always had. Also, college is just an option for the experience, not really because I need college since real estate is secondary, and to invest, you don't need a diploma nor a degree. This post was more to see what people would do in my position. Once again, though, thank you for the info!

3 years ago

Np, I hope you succeed in your career.

3 years ago

You are absolutely right, you don't need a degree to invest. However, to invest wisely and profitably requires knowledge and experience. Also, remember that it's possible to lose money on your first flip. You haven't mentioned if you have a network to work with on flipping. That's essential - subcontractors, legal team, etc - but even that doesn't guarantee success. Real estate school might help you build that network.

3 years ago

Yes, being able to correctly read the market so that you can turn a profit is extremely valuable in the area of real estate, long-term investing, and day-trading.

🎤3 years ago

Well aware! I've actually been doing this stuff with my parents for about five years, and thankfully, we haven't had a failed negotiation. So I'm aware of all the risks and that I need a network. I'm lucky enough to have my family doing this; they've taught me, and well, they have a whole team; I'm actually a part of it, lol. Thank you very much, though! If I hadn't been aware of all this, you would've possibly saved me tens of thousands of dollars! :)

3 years ago

If you have had five years of real-estate experience already then a college education is not necessary. Good luck.

🎤3 years ago

Thank you, same to you!


3 years ago[edited]

What is your goal with music? What is your goal with real estate? What steps would help you make those dreams a reality? Why are those goals important? How important are those goals?

How would going to college (and going to college at each school you're considering) lead you to/away from achieving your dream?

3 years ago

Also, if you can edit the poll, I would advise changing the choice that says "stay in AZ forever" to "stay in AZ for college." It would make it into less of a loaded question (IB TOK term - basically, it makes one option seem inherently better/worse than another because of a hidden assumption).

🎤3 years ago

I don't think I can edit it, but you make a good point, thank you.


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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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