I am applying to Duke, Yale, and Harvard test-optional. My state has no SAT centers and our sister state where we usually write them is on lockdown. Any thoughts and advice?
I wouldn't stress about it. Just make sure you indicate in the add'l information section that although you fully intended to take either the SAT or ACT, you couldn't because in India (or the country you live in) all the test centers were closed because of COVID-19. Perhaps less than 5% of your peers from your country are submitting test scores, so colleges are fully aware of the problem. Nevertheless, you should remind them of the mitigating circumstances on the Common application when you apply.
Good luck.
That is very unfortunate. While an SAT score is only one piece of the puzzle, it is a big piece, especially for top-tier schools. You do have options, however. The first thing I would do is look for a place that does the ACT. The ACT will do as a viable and accepted substitute for the SAT. Another thing I'd suggest would be to take AP exams. In addition to boosting your WGPA, this will also increase your course rigor. Good luck, hope this helps.
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ACT/SAT Centres are run the same in my state. And we don't do AP subjects in my country. Do I really have no hope of getting to a top school?