3 years ago
Admissions Advice


So CV gave me a 26% chance at Trinity College but put it as a hard target school, and put Yale as 2% but a reach school for me. I don't get it. Isn't hard target meant to be where I can't get in easily and reach where I'm almost perfect for? Why does Trinity have a higher chancing? I don't understand this chancing stuff.



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6 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

I think you've misunderstood the difficulty definitions: Safety is where you're almost perfect and have a high likelihood of getting in. Hard Target is unlikely to get in and Reach means very unlikely to impossible.

3 years ago[edited]

The best analogy I can use to explain it to you is, imagine you are in your kitchen at home. There are 5 boxes of cookies. One is on the counter, one is on the 1st shelf right at eye height, one is on the 2nd shelf and one is on the 3rd shelf and one is on the top of the cabinets. The one on the counter is called a Safety because you don't have to do any work to get that box of cookies. The 2nd box is called a target because you just have to pull it in front of you, the hard target is the box on the 2nd shelf. It's harder to get that box because you have to raise your arms. The box on the 3rd shelf requires you to stand on your tippy-toes and extend your arms to get it. It's literally a reach. And the one on the top of the cabinet is a hard reach because it's really really hard to get that box. You might have to climb onto the countertop or use a step ladder to get it.

When you look up schools, you can see that Yale's acceptance rate was 4.62% last year and that Trinity College was 36%.



If one can infer from what you shared about your chancing information, your chances of attending either school are slightly lower than their actual rates. Therefore, I would call Yale a hard reach and Trinity a hard target. You can certainly apply to them but you'll have a better chance of getting into Trinity versus Yale, which makes logical sense right?

I would recommend that you also apply to schools that are targets as well as some safeties.

Hope this is helpful and good luck to you.

2 years ago

Reach means your admission chances is 30% or lower. Target school admission chances are between 35% to 75%. Your chances of getting into a target school is greater than that of a reach school

3 years ago[edited]

Hello, the CV chancing vocab can be a bit tricky if you don't base it on the percentages. The following are the chancing terms: Safety, Target, Hard Target, and Reach. The percentages are the chances of making it.

The percents vary with each person according to their chances.

Reach: 0-26%

Hard Target: 27-49%

Target: 50-79%

Safety: 80-100%

The bigger the percent, the bigger chance you have of making it into that college.

3 years ago

CollegeVine's chancing engine has four different types of schools. Roughly speaking, here is the system. "Reach" colleges means you have a 25% or less acceptance chance. "Hard Target" is a 25% to 50% acceptance chance. "Target" is a 50% to 80% chance, and finally "Safety" is a college where you have an 80% or higher chance. So essentially safety means very likely acceptance, target means fairly likely acceptance, hard target means possible acceptance, but unlikely, and reach means very unlikely acceptance. Good luck, hope this helps.

3 years ago

I'm confused with your question as the average acceptance rate with Trinity College is already higher, to begin with. I would state a 26% to be a reach school and a 2% to be a very hard reach, however, but it stays proportional to what usually is done.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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