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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

art supplement for applications?

hi! first post here so sorry if this is a silly question.

i am currently in art III honors at my highschool, and i do think i have a high skill level. however, i am not interested in attending art school. i would love to major in political science at georgetown. i just learned today that you can add an art supplement to your application. is this worth the time? will it give the admissions officers a better picture of me as a student? i think it shows how i am creative and able to dedicate my time to something im passionate about. will it help cushion my application, even though i am not doing an arts major?

any advice is much appreciated <3

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1 answer

3 years ago

I think that it is a great idea to submit an art supplement no matter what you are majoring in. You are right that your artwork will show your creativity and uniqueness. It would definitely help your application if Georgetown admissions officers could imagine seeing your art in the university's Maria and Alberto De La Cruz Art Gallery.

Art and political science can also be synergized well together. I recommend talking about this intersection if it is something you are interested in. If so, you should look into the Hilltop Show, a student media organization which makes political cartoons. Mentioning this in a "why Georgetown" essay would show real investment in the school. I graduated from Georgetown, and I'm happy to answer any other questions you may have about the school!

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