Is the cumulative GPA the same as the unweighted GPA?
No. Cumulative simply means calculated over all your semesters in high school so far.
Unweighted counts an A=4 points, B=3 points, C=2, D=1, F=0 for all courses whether they are regular, honors or AP. So, let's say you have 35 A's and 5 B's over 6 semesters. That would be an unweighted GPA of (354+53)/40 = 3.875.
Weighted typically counts AP classes as A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2, F=1; and honors classes as A=4.5, B=3.5, C=2.5, D=1.5, F=.5 . Let's say 5 of those A's and 1 of those B's were in AP classes, and 6 A's and 2 B's were in honors. That would be a weighted GPA of 4.125 .
It is your total grade point average for all the courses you completed/attempted from 9th grade to the present grade. Most common is the 4.0 grading scale however if your high school uses a 6 or 7 point or 11 points or 100 point scale, it will be reflected on your transcript according to how your high school calculates it.
Cumulative GPA can be the same. It depends on whether or not your GPAs over the years have been calculated on a weighed or unweighed scale. But if your school only calculates unweighted GPA, then yes, it would be the same thing.
Cumulative GPA is a four-point GPA scoring system, which is the same as unweighted. The alternative to cumulative is a five-point weighted system, where an A letter grade in an AP class is a five. Hope this helps.
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Thank you all so much for your help!! My school uses cumulative GPA and I believe my school only calculates unweighted GPA.