3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Common App

I am an international student. In the honors section of the common app, they asked to mention five honors. There are about 17 awards I want to mention from sports and games. Every award is state/regional category.

What should I do? There are too many to mention in one honor. So, I wrote "Sports and Games winner (detailed in additional information section in common app)" and mentioned my achievements in the additional information section.

Is this ok? It would be helpful if anyone could give me advice.


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1 answer

3 years ago

Great question, @Haneesha! I agree with @gracecatan that you should definitely consider grouping your awards by category/type (e.g., "Model UN", "Sports and Games"). Since your Sports and Games awards are clearly numerous, you could perhaps group them by sport/sport season (e.g., "Basketball (Winter Sport):"). Grouping your activities by category may also help organizationally, and will make your Honors section easier to read -- remember, admissions officers will be reading this section, so you want to make doing so a better process for them if you can.

I'd also like to add that, regardless of whether you include all awards in the Honors section of the Common App or move some to the Additional Information section, you should consider which are most important/representative of you as a person when deciding on an order. This is because, as with other aspects of your application, the Honors section contributes to the overall narrative portrait of yourself that you are building on your application.

I hope this is helpful, and good luck -- you got this!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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