3 years ago
Admissions Advice

When to apply to colleges

I'm just entering my final year at high school, so am i to apply to colleges now knowing fully well that i have no exam results yet or i should apply to colleges after i have my results which will be next year

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

If you are asking whether to apply for 2022 or 23 then that is a bigger decision than test scores. If you ARE applying 2022, then many students will not have test scores, and many schools will not require them. Most important is finding the schools that fit what you are looking for in education and experience. Then look at their specific requirements.

3 years ago

It depends on your college deadlines and what exams you're talking about. Are you talking about AP/IB exams? If so, there are going to be sections on each application where you can tell the colleges what exams you plan on taking. Those results won't come in early enough for you to send them in with your application, and colleges know that.

With regards to college deadlines, those take precedence regardless of whether or not you have exam scores. As previously mentioned, colleges know when exam scores come in too late to be sent in, so they won't require them. If a college has a deadline in November, you'll want to send the application in November.

I'd also recommend double-checking each college website for their application requirements. For example, some might say that you should indicate which exams you're taking and send those scores in when available, which just means you apply in November all the same and just send in the scores when you get them.

Regardless, start your applications now. At the very least then you'll have your application ready and waiting no matter what your colleges require. Hope this helps.

3 years ago

Hey @Ayomide , great question! I agree with the other comments here -- if I were you, I would prioritize applying during the upcoming college application cycle without standardized test scores, rather than waiting to apply simply in order to receive these scores.

Many colleges and universities have gone test-optional for this upcoming admissions cycle, and, as has been already mentioned, are also aware of when your exam results will arrive too late to be considered. I would recommend noting your intended tests and test dates on your application, and then going ahead with these applications. Depending on your intended application deadlines (Fall vs. Winter), your scores may yet arrive in time to be considered by colleges.

I hope this is helpful, and good luck -- you got this!

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