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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

Which are the highest ranking Chem Engineering universities I can hope for?

I would be very grateful if anyone could tell me which are the highest ranking schools for Chem Engineering (with financial aids if possible but I would like to know good schools without much aids too) that I can hope for given my circumstances, background and so on. I really want to study in good US universities :)) Pls also advise me or enlighten me anything you think I might not know (maybe reach, match and safety schools for my case).

I am currently at 12th grade. I am an International student from a developing country and have been studying in Singapore under their scholarship programme for 4 years. I haven't taken SAT test but am planning to take one in October and/or December. For my grades, I have one B and the rest is A during my most recent common test. I am taking an optional higher level Chemistry module for my A levels as well.

The following are the more significant extracurriculars that I have done. I have completed a one-year research programme related a bit to Chemistry at NUS and my project was chosen to compete in the national project competition although the results are not out yet. I have achieved a few science and maths award but not very outstanding ones. I participated in Science Society and have done volunteer work during my high school. I am currently a member of volunteering group where I participated in environmental efforts, taught children and helped the elderly. Also, I achieved an award for completing 60 plus hours of service within one year. I also volunteered in my home country during school break (like helping the blind and orphans, etc.)

I have a few leadership roles like class monitor, green ambassador, cyberwellness ambassador, house captain in student council (this one was in 8th grade) and so on. I also have foreign exchange experience where I shared my home culture with ASEAN countries through a science project competition.

Thank you!

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3 answers

5 years ago

From google this is what I found,

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2. Rose - Hulman Institute of Technology

3. California Institute of Technology

4. Georgia Institute of Technology - Main Campus

5. Colorado School of Mines

6. Worcester Polytechnic Institute

5 years ago

It seems like you would be able to get into top tier schools but since the ones listed in Santa’s are near ivy level some of the top schools that are feasible are

Missouri S&T

Washington iirc

Ill Urbana iirc



San Diego st

UCF iirc

Also finicial aid is a big factor for international students so make sure they are feasible and not leading to crippling debt.

5 years ago

It seems like you would be able to get into top tier schools but since the ones listed in Santa’s are near ivy level some of the top schools that are feasible are

Missouri S&T

Washington iirc

Ill Urbana iirc



San Diego st

UCF iirc

Also finicial aid is a big factor for international students so make sure they are feasible and not leading to crippling debt.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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