3 years ago
Admissions Advice

School Offered SATs

I noticed that all the high school near me had a school offered SAT on October 13th, but mine did not, which led me to look at the next dates for school offered SAT dates. I asked my counselor if we will be hosting an SAT on one of the November dates, but she said that we will not. The regular November SAT in my county is already full, can I ask other local high schools if I can take the SAT at their school on that date? This is very important to me, and I understand that most schools are test-optional.


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

I know my high school often hosts students from other schools and home school students for AP/SAT tests (yesterday, I know we had at least three home school students testing at our school). I think you should definitely ask, and I think it is pretty likely that you'd find a school that would let you test there. You might have to pay for the test, though.

3 years ago

You have nothing to lose by doing that. Once you ask you will know if it is even possible.

Good luck.

3 years ago

Hi! I personally did not take my SAT at my high school, I took it at another one about 15 minutes from my house. My high school is so small that we don't host the SAT. When you go on College Board to sign up for the SAT, it simply allows you to choose which school you want to take the SAT at. It doesn't have to be your school and it doesn't even have to be the closest school to you. You shouldn't have to "ask," necessarily, a school to be able to take the SAT there. They are usually open to everyone as long as you pay the SAT fee.

Hope this helps, good luck! :)

3 years ago

i go to a really small school that doesn’t offer the SAT / PSAT / ACT period, but they told me i can always sign up on the college board website to go somewhere else to take them ! usually local private schools will offer them publicly, you just have to pay about $50. hope this helps !

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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