So, I took an accelerated Emergency Medical Technicians course (6-months in 6-weeks), and passed. I'm wondering if I should place this in the EC section of the common app?
Hi, I think this would look great as an EC! It shows that not only were you able to pass the course, but you were able to do so in an accelerated program! That shows colleges that you are ready for a faster-paced courseload like how college is conducted, and that you would likely succeed well in their environment. Hope this helps! :)
You can definitely add this into your ECs! If this activity is one of your most important ones, I suggest putting it 1st in the activities section or elaborating on it more in the Additional Section of the CA.
I wish you the best of luck in your applications!
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Yes, I think this is a very good activity to add to your Common App Extracurriculars! It shows your personality, even though it only lasted for a short period of time.