I am currently a senior, and my cumulative GPA is 3.8 UW, and 4.6 W. My course rigor is strong based on what my school offers. Below are my individual GPAs from 9-11th grade.
9th: 3.76
10th: 3.76
11th: 3.87
will admissions officers take into account my improvement, or do my 9th and 10th grade GPAs put me at an automatic disadvantage for t20 schools?
I've talked to two college admission counselors and both told me they are taking the "COVID" years into consideration. The 2021-2022 school year will be a focus especially if it shows a big improvement over the time spent in virtual school. This being said I would make sure your essay, course rigor, and activities shine because with the last few years we need all the extra help we can get.
Hi! So far when I've been applying I've been asked for my current cumulative GPA from the past three years. However, I am also providing them with all of my grades for each year, so they could easily calculate this. But, since I doubt these admissions boards have the time to do this for every student, I would think that the number they ask for (the cumulative) would be the more important number in their mind. This is just my take, but I hope it helps! :)
If you upload your transcript, they'll have the opportunity to see your progression over time and that's what matters. Your CGPA is important, yes, but knowing that you started to take your academics seriously will improve your chances, as they want to know you as an individual not just as a grade.
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