3 years ago
Admissions Advice

How are my ECs?

Hello, I am a sophomore and I would like some input on my Extracurriculars. (I am trying to get into the best universities)


Attend one of California’s most prestigious private schools, have a 4.0 unweighted GPA with 2 APs and 1 honor last year, 3 APs and 3 honors this year


Founded a club on Constitutional Policy which is set to grow to a national level

Participant in high-caliber Diplomacy/Model UN academy

Volunteer at an organization to help lower income kids get into private schools

Selected to perform (drama) at the largest international arts festival in the world?

Swim team outside of school: probably “varsity” level, by next year probably will be able to qualify for national 18U championships.


Harvard Model Congress Best Delegate

Presidential Volunteer Service Award-Gold Tier

(Also I have a chronic medical condition which has left me hospitalized before, not sure if pity points factor into the application lol)

Sorry, I know that was a lot. What looks good, should I improve, and if so, how?

@Person243 years ago

I'd be quite surprised if you didn't get into the college of your liking. You're doing great.

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2 answers

3 years ago

Hi there @TheDude800,

I agree with @Kaitlyn5394 here - you have great extracurriculars and the only thing your application could really benefit from is some focus.

You'll want to pull together some sort of theme that ties your application together. Ideally, it will relate to your prospective major and make your application a cohesive narrative that allows admissions officers to see how your high school strengths will manifest in your collegiate studies. You can learn more here by watching this helpful video on crafting your extracurriculars! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30evWEhB21E&ab_channel=CollegeVine

Hope this helps and best of luck!

3 years ago

These are extremely strong ECs! My only thought would be, do you know what you want to major in? If you do, try to focus some ECs on this. For example, if you want to major in biology, but don't have any science ECs, this might look a bit strange to colleges. If you think about it from this perspective, I think it'll help you out a lot! :)

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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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