3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Feelings about College

How is everyone feeling about college? Personally, I'm a little nervous about being with people who I don't know but I'm goning to try to go into it with an open mindset to get the maximum amount of opportunities.

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3 answers

3 years ago

Honestly I spent my entire summer before senior year thinking abut college and how I just wanted to be in college already. Now that I am in school for senior year, I do NOT want to graduate. It seems like for so long everything has been about college, but I just want to enjoy where I am at now.

Also like you said, an open mindset is super important. Everyone I know that is/has gone to college, has told me that the best thing you can do is not have one picture of how college should be. Freshman year also always seems like the year where you have to make all your bestest friends, but I've been told that you shouldn't expect to make tons of friends right off the bat or even keep the same friends for the whole year.

But also, there will be so many other people that will be in the same boat as you freshman year, so remember that and try to enjoy where you are now :)

3 years ago

I'm nervous too, but also excited for the opportunities presented by college.

3 years ago

Hi, thank you for posting! I agree with @daisy08, a lot of things before entering college can seem new and daunting and that's totally normal to feel that way. Going into undergrad, I remember being absolutely scared of not making new friends, facing tough classes, having to focus on career-building activities and so much more. And honestly, I think it really took an entire semester for me to feel comfortable in the college setting.

Some advice I would give:

1) Starting to find a new friend group is hard, but places to start could be your future roommate/suite mates/hall-mates, people you see in the dining hall or in common classes and clubs that you join.

2) Try to read the syllabus for your courses to understand what the expectations are from your teachers. College definitely is a whole new level of learning compared to high school, so staying organized and prepared is key for doing well.

3) Don't be shy about joining clubs/organizations because this is where you learn about more than stuff outside the classroom. You have the chance to explore potential careers, new hobbies, and meet great people!

4) Use the facilities on campus. My undergrad campus had a really cool fitness and recreation center, study lounges and dining halls where I could meet up with friends. Definitely use these spots and other school events to meet new people and get your money's worth from tuition.

Hope this helps!

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