4 years ago
Admissions Advice

How to go about getting a "real" job?

So I am looking for a job (rising junior) and want to get a job at a nearby place like a grocery store, taco bell, home depot(cashier) as I want to make some extra side money. I'm thinking of getting a job around the Fourth of July/when COVID-19 is a non-issue.

Can anyone provide links or tips on how to go about getting a "real job"?

More Info

The only paid work I have done was a Teacher Assistant at my religious school for 4 hours a week and was kinda paid under the table so to speak as I made $5/hour. And what type of experience can I mention and how as I have volunteered at my school's football concessions, just about earned "distinction" from the NSDA honor society(debate) after 1 year and have elected to my synagogue's student board for next year and participate in its regional equivalent and have helped plan a carnival for its religious school as a fundraiser and have jointly made about 15k.

And do I need a resume for something like my first job?

Also should I have a link to my personal blog? (That I just started 6 weeks ago and is semi-professional and I have no social media to speak of)


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2 answers

4 years ago

It's probably going to be quite a bit longer than July 4th until until COVID-19 is a non-issue, and with that in mind it may be difficult to get these kinds of jobs because, depending on your state, you may be competing with adults who may be out of work due to the shutdowns. With regard to where you're working, you may know where you want to be employed, but that won't mean anything unless they're hiring. Usually you can find that information online, either for the store or establishment's website or the mall's website, if they have one. In any case, I agree with most of @BriannaM's advice.

To emphasize a couple of points, even though your personal email might be fine for getting this job, it'll be a good idea to make a professional email address that you can use for anything similar moving forward. Personal emails are usually fine for things like this in high school, but once you're in college employers, professors, etc. are going to start expecting a professional email that's just something like [firstname][lastname][birth year]@[gmail/outlook/etc.].com or something like that. Moreover, it's good to have a more professional address to give to anyone you're trying to network with—which is important no matter what kinds of jobs you're trying to get. It comes off better in the long run and you will need it eventually, so it's good to get in the habit now.

As for your resume, absolutely try to build one that includes a) schoolwork, current GPA, and relevant courses, b) clubs and extracurriculars that you're very involved in, and c) any commitments outside of school, like your current job. Being paid under-the-table doesn't matter for whether or not to include something on a resume, and you don't need to mention anything about how you were paid; just include the job on your resume with a brief description of your responsibilities.

Finally, you mentioned that you're worried about being "too professional" but, in reality, that's a pretty hard thing to do. It's like being "too polite"—not really a thing that's possible. Now, if you're worried that focusing too much on sounding "professional" might make you come off as stilted, then you might need more practice, and trying to do additional mock interview (if available) might be helpful. But otherwise, I wouldn't be too concerned about that.

4 years ago

Some tips that I can give you on your journey of getting a "real job" is to first of all acquire working papers (you should check if employment certificates or permits are required to work as a minor in your state). You should also create a high school resume, as it shows your seriousness in obtaining the job, highlights your abilities, education, and experiences, and should include it when submitting your application for employment. You should also secure recommendation letters from adults, teachers, counselors, etc. if they agree. You should also provide them with documents that may be needed, such as, your transcript, etc. Although, this doesn't seem important, you should use a professional email address when filling out job applications. You should also expect an interview and be prepared beforehand. You should do research on the company, practice answers to sample interview questions, dress appropriately, and bring materials that may be needed, such as, reference letters, your social security card, resume, or driver's license. Lastly, you should always follow up on your application. If you submitted an online application, you can call 7-10 days after submitting it to check on the status. If you meet with someone in person, you should send a thank you note.

There are several resources online that can give you information to several of your questions/concerns/wonders, here's a link to an article about building your resume:


There are also many job search engines that could help you find jobs suited for you in your area.

I hoped this helped you, and answered your questions:)

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