I would like to pursue a career as a city manager or similiar in local government. I would like to get A BA from a good school and pursue an MBA or MPA. I have been set on MBA for so long but with my career plan I do not know. MBA makes more on average but MPA would focus on my exact future career. I want to explore options too. Also if I wanted to go into my career, should I stick with a BA and then what for masters? Just please give me a path for my future career.
Another option you could consider is a dual-degree. There are a decent number of programs (examples linked below) that offer dual degree MBA & MPA! This way, you can do both and keep your options open.
1. https://www.stern.nyu.edu/programs-admissions/mba-programs/dual-degrees/mba-mpa
2. https://www.hbs.edu/mba/academic-experience/joint-degree-programs/Pages/harvard-kennedy-school.aspx
3. https://www.tuck.dartmouth.edu/mba/academic-experience/joint-and-dual-degrees (Including this one as an example of when two institutions actually partner to offer a dual-degree)
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