Hi! I am struggling with picking the perfect fit for me.
I am a very independent person and enjoy working with kids. I love graphic design and taking leadership. I also love social media marketing.
If I were to become a graphic design teacher for high school, what major would that be? How do I know I am picking the right thing?
I also had trouble with this, you should look into maybe doing a gap year. Its the perfect way to maybe go into an internship in graphic design to see if you would like it. Things you should know:
1) Gap year internships/work/volunteering looks good on your resume
2) studies show that students who take gap years do better in school, and they are also more motivated to go back to school and do well in life,
3) A gap year can help you see how your line of work really is, if you went to college and halfway through wanted to switch majors, it would be super expensive and very time consuming.
4) Gap years are usually fun, you might have to pay to get into an internship, but if you look hard enough you probably won't need to and you might earn a little money!
Hi there @sydneymadisont,
I agree with most other respondents here about choosing a major! Don't put too much pressure on yourself to narrow it down to something just yet - but when you apply to schools, make sure the major you apply to is backed up by your high school resume.
This means that whatever story your high school courses and extracurriculars tell, you should use it to inform your decision when applying to college.
If you're undecided right now, I would recommend thinking more about what you want to study for the next ~4 years over what career you want. You can always gain expertise in your field of study and minor in education, or get your teaching credentials post-undergrad or in a combined degree/accelerated program. You might also choose to apply to different colleges with different majors depending on the resources and offerings available at the school in question.
Hope this helps!
Remember that you don't necessarily need to hurry into picking a final major. Many colleges have general studies temporary majors that let you take a variety of classes from different subjects until you've decided on one you want to further pursue.
Since you have a general field you want to go in you could also choose a primary major and some other minors in various relevant fields, then once you have more information and experience you could switch one of your minors to your major (and switch out your major to a minor).
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