I am from India I got to know about US universties admission criterias now in senior year. I only have normal extra curriculars like participating in 4 science exhibitions nothing more than that and second thing, if you done something after your high school took gap year, publish your work will colleges select you if you don't even have previous experience in your field like cs. And how many times you can still apply again? And recommendations of how to apply?
experience gained during gap year definitely counts. People have told me that they've gotten jobs after college because of an internship, or work they did during a gap year. I don't think any colleges hold having a gap year against you, but you should definitely email them. for colleges in the U.S you aren't allowed to apply to the same term multiple times, but you are allowed to reapply after being rejected for a different term/semester. Most colleges in the U.S use commonapp for applications, just google commonapp and it will probably be the first result. some colleges don't use common app and if you can't find that college on Common app then you should google how they accept admissions.
I think that if you do, take a gap year, and you do something, like, gaining experience, I think they will still allow you. I think that they may actually prefer that. I think that they would like the extra experience, and I think you can apply as many times as you want.
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