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3 years ago
Admissions Advice


I am in 8th grade and taking Algebra - I. What pathway can I take to be able to take AP Calc classes by my sophomore year? Should I take geometry in the summer before my freshman year?

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@montana10 months ago [edited]

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2 answers

2 years ago

honestly practice more. and youll be good

3 years ago

Hi. So, I feel like I need to give a brief information about me so that I can maybe help you a little better.

When I was in 6th grade, my math teacher suddenly pulled me out of the class and told me that I was going to take the "advanced" math course, meaning I will take Algebra 1 in 7th grade. I had no idea what she meant back then, but I am thankful for her decision now.

My "advanced" math course was this.

7th grade - Algebra 1

8th grade - Geometry & Honors Algebra 2

9th grade - Precalculus

10th grade - AP Calculus (took the AP Calculus BC exam)

11th grade - AP Statistics

12th grade - Multivariable Calculus (online since the school does not offer it)

I agree with the previous answer that it all depends on your school requirements and what they offer. In my school, anyone who the teacher thinks is capable could double their math in 8th grade, so I did not have to take math courses in the summer. We also don't have Trigonometry, so I could take AP Calculus in 10th grade.

Geometry is not that hard. Same with Honors Algebra 2. If you are someone confident in math, I believe that any math up to AP Calculus would be easy. Therefore, talk with your counselor first, but I think taking Geometry before your freshman year or if you have to take Honors Algebra 2, taking both of them in the summer won't be that bad. I think you can do it as long as you are motivated.

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SAT: 720 math
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