3 years ago
Admissions Advice

How would I go about calculating my GPA that will be shown to colleges?

When I go online and look up a GPA scale, it has a difference from my school. What would be considered a C- at most schools is a D+ At my school. Basically, the grading system is harder. I'm trying to predict my GPA for college, and I don't know whether to use my school's GPA system or the ones that I am finding online. This sounds confusing, so sorry if it doesn't make sense. Thanks!


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Use your school's GPA system. They are judging your academic abilities by the standards set by your school. And if your school's grading system really is tougher, a lower GPA will likely still get you into the schools you're looking to get into. Talk to your counselor if you're still having doubts.

3 years ago

Hi there @shelby0723,

You should definitely use your school's grading system rather than an online website. It actually doesn't matter what the exact letter grade is as many schools have different grading scales, and colleges know this. On the CommonApp, you just need to report your GPA as it appears on your transcript. The admissions officer selected for your region should be familiar with your high school and be able to factor the grading scale in when reading your application. In all likelihood, your GPA will probably be recalculated according to the college's own calculator.

Hope this helps!

3 years ago

Does your school used a weighted GPA system or a nonweighted GPA system? That may be why your grades differ from other schools!

3 years ago

Hi! This would be a question for your school counselor. In all honesty, I always assumed that GPA was calculated based on the number grade (ex: 80%) rather than the letter (A, B, C). If it is based on the number grade (and you have access to this), add up all of your final grades and divide them by the total number of classes you took. This will be your NGA. You can then convert this to a 4.0 scale by dividing your NGA (for example, 90) by your scale (ex, out of 100 in this case since 100%). Then multiply this number by 4.0.

I'm honestly not sure if those instructions will help or not since I don't know your grading system, but I hope that it will work! More than anything, as I said, I would ask your guidance counselor. Good luck!! :)

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