3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Questions about scholarships "What's the process of getting a scholarship?"

Hi guys, I have a question about how scholarships work. What's the process of getting a scholarship? Do you just have to fill out the common application to your university and then they'll tell you which scholarships you can get or what?

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4 answers

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3 years ago

Hi! So for most schools, both need and merit-based scholarships are determined once you submit the application, as long as you select "yes" that you want to be considered. Going off of this, please be sure to fill out both your FAFSA and your CSS profile since these are also important for determining need-based aid, and aren't included in the Common App. Aside from this, some schools require you to go beyond this. For example, DeSales University requires you to write an essay about leadership if you want to be considered for a full-tuition scholarship. So some schools may offer this (again, not "required," but you won't usually get the full tuition without it). Aside from this, be sure to also submit outside scholarships! So bold.org is a great place to start. Hope this helps, good luck!! :)

3 years ago

Depending on the university's financial aid program, you may or may not have to send a separate scholarship application. They can award money based on your application’s strength, your financial situation, and your demonstrated interest in the school. Check with your prospective university's financial aid programs.

For charitable foundation and corporate scholarships, you need to research and invest time in applying for scholarships tailored to your background, identity, interests, and intended major. Here's a quick overview of scholarships, how to organize applications, and how to write a scholarship essay. https://www.scribbr.com/college-essay/scholarship-essay/

3 years ago

There are several ways to get scholarships. Fill out the FAFSA and if you are entitled to any federal or state scholarships due to your financial information you will be told that when you get your information back. Most colleges offer some sort of instituational scholarship, meaning from the school. They will look at your application (scores, demographics, etc) and offer you anything you qualify for from the school. If you are accepted, that will be in your financial packet when you get your acceptance stuff. Lastly, leading all the way to the end of your senior year, you should be going on the different websites like this one and applying for all the outside scholarships you can no matter how small. They add up. Some want essays, some don't. Google scholarships for the major you think you may want. You will be surprised how much is out there. I also used YouTube.com and searched for 'how to get scholarships for college' and many came up where actual students told how they did it. Good luck!!!

3 years ago

Adding on to what Kaitlyn5394 replied on this post said, if you do all that they said to do and submit your application then after or around you (hopefully) get your acceptance letter you will get a financial aid award letter(name is different for many colleges). It will outline any scholarships, grants, loan, or work-study programs you will receive. It'll have directions on it if you don't want to receive certain types of aid like loans or work-study(basically an on-campus job). The financial aid award letter is just aid you will receive if you want it from the college and government, it doesn't include private finance such as a scholarship you got from your work or anything like that.

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