3 years ago
Admissions Advice

I'm in 8th grade. is it to early to start thinking about college?

I've been looking at colleges for a long time since 6th (i also have a 3.0 gpa is that good?)

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@Poodlepal3 years ago

Hi! 8th grade is the perfect time to start thinking about college. However when I say think, I mean just that! Don't stress out about it! Take classes that interest and challenge you in high school. For example, if you like science, try taking a few honors courses in HS, or maybe even an AP. If you like history, take history every year. Join clubs with people that have common interests. Extracurriculars look good on College Applications, so be involved, but still make time for actual school.

@Poodlepal3 years ago

Overall, freshman year (which you'll be starting next year) isn't a time to stress out about college. Stress is reserved for junior year ;). Freshman is the perfect time to dabble in different subjects and find out what interests you! Best of luck!

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

No, it's never too early. Here are a few resources for you to plan your college timeline, so when you get into high school, you'll be well prepared! Even though the timelines are for high schoolers, it's actually great if you have the time to start now. That way, when high school responsibilities start kicking in, you'll have already done some of the less time-sensitive things like college research, school visits, building your activities list, etc.



A 3.0 GPA is not bad, but you should work hard in improving your GPA in high school since admissions officers look at your high school transcripts, not your middle school ones.

I think with proper planning and focus, you will give yourself the best chance at getting into a good college. It seems like you're a very aware, forward-thinking, and diligent student, so you're on the right track!

3 years ago

It's never too early to think about college! A 3.0 GPA is pretty average and it depends where you want to apply. I'm assuming 8th grade is still middle school for you. Middle school GPA/grades don't matter at all in the grand scheme of things. Colleges only look at your high school transcript. My advice would be to really start to take your grades seriously in high school and to get the best grades you possibly can in your classes. I have SO many friends who didn't care about grades or college in freshman year and got all 80s, and now want to apply to ivy leagues and/or higher-level schools like Villanova and are having a really hard time getting in. My advice is that no matter what school you're looking at, try to keep your grades up! That way not only will your options stay open for schools, but you will also have better chances of getting scholarships. Hope this helps, good luck!! :)

3 years ago

Your still in middle school so I wouldn't worry about your grades affecting your college acceptance (Still keep them as high as you can). Since your in middle school you could start to research colleges that you might want to go to with your preferred major. As well as maybe looking at volunteering, extracurricular, and intern/work that might help you build a resume, make your application look better, and just help you in whatever career path you want to go into. Just know you shouldn't be stressed about this right now, if your already researching colleges and stuff like that your ahead of most kids.

A 3.0 GPA in high school is average, I guess it's unweighted, but when you go to high school you'll take honours and AP courses(if you want) and those will raise your weighted GPA.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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