3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Weighted or Unweighted GPA

Should I enter my unweighted or weighted GPA in the common app it gives me the option for both but I am not sure which one is better for sending to colleges?


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2 answers

3 years ago

I recommend submitting the UWGPA versus the Weight one for the following main reasons

Every High School in the world does grades differently and once you submit weighted grades it just confuses things. One school might weigh Honors/APs/IBs with a full point 5.0 vs 4.0 if you get an A and another might give you a 0.50 for an Honors, a 1.00 for an AP and a 2.00 for an IB. 2 applicants with the same course rigor and UWGPA might have completely different weighted GPAS like 4.25 vs. 5.50 but essentially they have the same grades and course rigor. Therefore you are helping colleges but giving them an "apples to apples" GPA that they can readily use to compare you to those who otherwise would have gross grade inflation or gross grade deflation.

Some schools like Stanford recalc them anyway and throw out the 9th grade and others like the UC schools recalc them and have a "CAP" on the maximum GPA you can have when you apply to a UC school.

It doesn't get confusing just on a 4.0 scale but on other scales as well. Some schools have a 7 pt scale, or an 11 pt scale and many use a 100 pt scale. You can literally be the smartest person at a top boarding school and have a 95.33 GPA while a peer at a school an hour away is severely grade inflated with a 112.56 GPA who hasn't done nearly as much work given their opportunities. At face value, one might think s the 112.56 student is superior but grade inflation hides the truth.

Good luck.

3 years ago

Unweighted is better, if you send a weighted GPA more often than not college admissions will unweight them to help standardize gpas.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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