I have been a constant share market investor for over a year. Until April 2021, I used to invest along with my dad by helping him in accounting and information gathering and sometimes buying/sharing the shares myself. After April 2021 I moved out so I started a demo account since I was 16 and started investing independeltly. I can't understand where do I put it up in activities, i.e. as which type of activity since it was and will always be a major part of me.
This is a hobby! (Don't worry, just because it's only a 'hobby' doesn't mean it's not important to you.) You could also write about this in an essay if it's been a particularly important activity for you.
I'd put it as a hobby and in the description explicitly state your RoI.
Well, you can add that to your activities list on Common App and give a brief explanation of what you do, and what is investing, as well as the type of investment that you do.
As I can see that this is a very important activity for you, and shapes who you are, I suggest you explain this activity in detail as well as its importance for you in an essay! Some universities ask for an essay where you should explain about some activity of yours... this could be a great option for you to write about, if you want to develop this topic more and believe it will add to your application, making the admissions officers know more about you.
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Thank you Sir. That was helpful. I was a little confused since it was a major activity that I participated in for the past year and I had to state it. I'm planning to add it in one of my essays thanks ☺️