Hi, so I currently am having trouble deciding which activity I should put for #10 on my Common App activities section.
I'm the co-vice president of social media in my school's Red Key Club- where I engage prospective students, host tours, participate in admissions events, etc. It's pretty low commitment. I also am a Student Expert (volunteer) at Science Buddies where I answer questions about science fair topics and give advice about science classes. I'm interested in doing pre-med and hope to major in Neuroscience.
Can anyone help?
Personally, I would choose the Science Buddies one because you’re hoping to major in Neuroscience.
is the question which out of the options provided? Like have you filled up all other activities sections and your trying to pick a tenth? If thats the case then i would say put down the Co-Vice president. Key club is kindly recognized so I think that would help. You can talk about the Science buddies more in depth if it asks for additional information at the end of your profile.
Although If you dont have the option to elaborate in a different section, then i say use the Science Buddies as your tenth. There are a lot of VPs of clubs but I think the Science Buddies is Unique.
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