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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Do the type of courses matter?

In my first two years of high school, I took many art classes. And when I did running start for my last two years of high school, I took many art classes at the college level. Will colleges assume that I did not challenge myself enough since I did not take many Stem classes instead? I am not applying to art schools so I am scared that these non-art schools are going to negatively view the many art classes I took.


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3 answers

3 years ago

I'd like to start by mentioning that I'm only in my sophomore year of high school, and therefore I should warn you to take my advice with a grain of salt. Firstly, if you like art, go for it. Colleges will see that you were interested in art, and you pushed yourself by taking art classes. They'll also see that, unlike many other high schoolers, you're not just working and studying, but rather you have a good work-life-leisure balance. You could possibly increase your STEM-related background by doing extracurriculars that are heavy in science or math, and it'll look good as well. Hope this helped!

3 years ago

As long as you took the most challenging classes your school offers than you’ll still stand out. Also even if you didn’t, I don’t art will affect your admissions chances since it’s just an elective.

3 years ago

Art can be interpreted in many ways, if you show a good connection between your artwork and its impact on your passions in STEM you should be fine. As long as you completed the required STEM coursework (3 years of laboratory science and 3 years of math, preferably 4 years for both for most colleges) you should be competitive in admissions decisions.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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