4 years ago
Admissions Advice

I was wondering what i need to do if i want a good college?

Right now i’m in11 grade but i going to be a senior soon so i was worried about that i don’t really have extracurricular’s activities. I want to study medicine, just want a good education on one of the greatest college of the usa. Right now i confused because no one tell me what i have to do or not. I have many ideas, i know how to draw, i know spanish, english al little bit of french, im have been doing social work, the national honor of the school want me to be part of the club but i think that i need more what can i do?

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@MM32144 years ago

I am going to tell you from experince I am also in 11 grade and I do most of the things that you do. Try to be active on your community. I volunteer at the food pantry, I also volunteer for the local special Olympics in my county. I just try to be active in the community so that people tend to know who I am. My calculus professor told me that The more volunteer work you do will certainly not hurt your application to a good school. I would also say me more active in your school life

@MM32144 years ago

Be more active in clubs and maybe that will get more attention to you and the school will recognize you for an award, which could help you in the long run with college

@ryankassanoff4 years ago [edited]

Use those languages to your advantage. You could work at a local clinic, helping translate for those who need it. See what you can do to get involved through your National Honor Society, too.

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

Being active in extracurricular activities is key. Volunteer, do something that brings you joy, and that others can benefit from. Colleges look at not only your grades, but who you are as a person, and what you do outside of academics. On the topic of academics however, keep those grades up! do not be afraid to ask for help when needed in classes, teachers want you to succeed. Try applying for school student association if that's your type of thing, do music, easy and simple ways to get involved that should be easy to to while having plenty of time to study and do well academically. Start thinking ahead of different classes you may take in the medical major at whatever school you are looking at and see if you can get a taste of what you may take. your school may offer dual enrollment, allowing you to get ahead. Taking things like anatomy and physiology may be to your benefit as well

4 years ago

Use those languages to your advantage. You could work at a local clinic, helping translate for those who need it. See what you can do to get involved through your National Honor Society, too. The best thing you can do is find something that you are passionate about and going to spend time volunteering for that cause.

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