4 years ago
Admissions Advice

What classes should I take in order to become an Doctor or work in a medical area?

Please indicate your choice, for electives, in order of preference. Include 3 full credits and 3 half credit electives.


Art 1 Art Foundations ½

Automotive Technology I Asian Art

Band Astronomy

Chorus Basic House Wiring

College Accounting Cars, Homes, and Loans

College Business Ceramics I

Computer Animation I Child Development I or II

CP French I Computer Toolbox

CP French II Computers in Management

CP Portuguese I CPR, AED, Community First Aid & Safety

CP Spanish I Current Events

CP Spanish II Drama Workshop

Criminal Justice Economics

Design I Fashion Construction I

Entrepreneurship-Shark Tank Film Studies

Fabrication Technologies Food and Nutrition I

Finance Graphic Design

Honors French II IDEA Lab

Honors Spanish I International Business I

Honors Spanish II Literature and Philosophy

Introduction to Business Medical Careers & Personal Wellness

Introduction to Journalism Multi-genre Writing

Legal Studies Multimedia Productions

Mandarin Chinese I Music Appreciation

Marketing & Social Media Pop Culture & Literary Theory

Structure Design Public Speaking


Science Fiction and Fantasy as Literature

Small Engine Technology

Spanish for Business

Spanish for Healthcare

Sports Marketing

Textile Arts

Visual Journaling

Warmongers and Peacemakers

Woodworking Technologies 1/2

@darsh4 years ago

What year are you? When I created my high school schedule I didn't know what I wanted to major in and what I wanted to do in my career so I took a variety of classes and have now decided on pursuing becoming a doctor after taking Principles of Health and Honors Anatomy and Physiology in junior year. In your case, I think you should take some medical courses such as Medical Careers & Personal Wellness and CPR, AED, Community First Aid & Safety. Other than that, take classes you're interested in.

@Mysterysquash4 years ago

Wow I have never seen a school with so many electives. You have some cool options.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@Yesayra4 years ago

I am currently an eighth grader next year is my first year of high school.

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4 years ago

most of the schooling for medicine happens in college, but you can prep yourself to take those kinds of classes in college (like bio and chemistry) by taking a rigorous science schedule in high school. beyond that "medical careers & personal wellness" seems like an obvious one to me. maybe less obviously, "multi-genre writing" might be a good option—medical writing is a really important skill for doctors and others in medicine, and medical schools will actually look for writing ability and knowledge alongside the sciences.

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