3 years ago
Admissions Advice

My ninth grade GPA is 3.1, but tenth and eleventh grade GPA are 3.9 and 4.0. Can I get into a top university?

What else should I factor in? Will this prevent me from being admitted into a top "Ivy League" university?

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@egnarozilla3 years ago

this is my exact scenario!! from what I have heard colleges look for growth and especially since you did better when it actually mattered I assume that will look a lot better than the opposite way!! good luck and keep me updated :)

[🎤 AUTHOR]@noor3 years ago

it makes me feel so much better knowing im not alone, thank you so much for commenting!! im sorry if this is presumptuous but id love to talk more about this, whether via these comments or on email or anything. im actually still in 11th grade and upholding straight A’s so I only assume my GPA will be 4.0 lol

@BorisS3 years ago

they will look at your cumulative GPA from 9 to 11th grade.....

[🎤 AUTHOR]@noor3 years ago

hey, im not sure whether you’re addressing the original comment or my last response, if it’s the latter I meant a 4.0 for my junior year - obviously not my cumulative gpa. regardless, won’t they still look at transcripts to see the differing gpas for each semester/school year?

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago


While colleges do like to see near perfect GPAs and a splendid straight A report card, they also do consider many factors. For example, if your course load is full of AP, DE and Honors classes, the course load progresses throughout your years in high school and you are maintaining As and Bs, a “rough” start in freshman year will be menial to admissions officers. Furthermore, colleges also tend to have an essay section to explain difficulties you have experienced that may of prevented you from doing exceedingly well in certain year(s) of high school. If something had occurred your freshman year, simply explain what had occurred. We are all only human after all.

Also, keep in mind that prestigious schools also look for other aspects of a prospective student wanting to attend their college. Have you considered your extracurriculars yet? Remember that prestigious schools also like to see students excel outside of the classroom as well. In fact, some prestigious schools have admitted students completely on extracurriculars instead of their grades.

I hope this helps!

3 years ago

It depends on your extracurriculars. Good schools do not only care about your GPA but also about the classwork difficulty and what you can do and actually do for your community. Did you take many AP classes? What is your ranking? Were any college-level classes offered? What did you do last summer? (not a movie, really.)

3 years ago

As others have explained colleges especially ivy leagues look for many other aspects of a application than other schools. Like people have said growth and extracurriculars are very important. While good GPAs and SAT scores are good ( which I feel your fine with them) try and focus on extracurriculars. Anything you enjoy to do can easily become one.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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