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3 years ago
Admissions Advice


I'm currently an eighth-grader, and I'm planning out my future courses. What I've noticed is that I'm lower on AP classes than I would like to be. I take band, and I have since fifth grade, but will it be a detriment for getting into top colleges (Ivy league)?

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Hi! Love to see that you're already getting ahead by deciding to plan out your future courses! Being apart of band will not be a detriment for getting into top colleges as long as you work hard in it. Lets use two scenarios: one is a student who was in band for 1 year only as a general member and another student who was in band from freshman-senior year and gained a leadership position in band to help be a guide to your fellow bandmates. The second student would have a higher chance of admission due to his consistency to stay in band and thrive in it. Colleges (especially ivy leagues) like to see how you can make an impact in the things you love to do. So if band is something you love and you are willing to put the time and effort in to excel in it, then band would be an advantage when applying to top colleges. Hope this helped!

3 years ago

Hi, if band is something you really enjoy I would stick with it! Colleges like to see you doing something you are passionate about and being a part of a community like that. However, I took band my freshman and sophomore and now regret it as it gave me less options for AP courses and other electives I was interested in. Honestly though just take classes you're interested in and do not worry about how it looks to colleges. Personally that is the advice I wish I had through my high school years.

3 years ago


I am not sure by what you mean by being lower on AP classes than you would like to be. Are you currently taking AP classes now?

If you are, I want to give you a big congratulations! Taking AP courses in middle school is a huge accomplishment, and will definitely give you an advantage for applying to top colleges. Taking AP classes in middle school is an extraordinary feat, and you have nothing to worry about.

Howeve, if you mean in the context of you are planning your high school courses already, and do not like the outcome of your course schedule, do not worry. If you are missing prerequisites to take AP courses, and do not have room for the pre-reqs in your schedule, talk to your guidance counselor on taking the courses online in the summertime. If this solution does not work, you can also self study for AP courses and take the test yourself at another school or register for College Board’s CLEP exams.

However, keep in mind that prestigious schools also look for other aspects of a prospective student wanting to attend their college. Have you considered your extracurriculars yet? Remember that prestigious schools also like to see students excel outside of the classroom as well

I hope this helps!

3 years ago

Colleges are not very interested in anything before high school. Lower AP grades will absolutely hurt your chances of getting into a school like Yale.

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SAT: 720 math
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